Why do the Majority of ERP & CRM initiatives Fail?

According to Gartner, 55-75% of ERP projects and >60% of CRM fail or don’t meet their intended objectives. Why do you think the failure rate is so high, considering the amount of $$$ corporations are spending on these implementations? What are the most frequent causes of this, is it governance, product fit to requirements, lack […]

Product vs. Project Management

How do you know when to choose between managing a new IT project as either product & AGILE versus traditional Project management? The answer is “it depends” , and I can advise on the decision factors to consider in this critical decision. There are role changes, business engagement implications, and of course life cycle management […]

It’s a GREENFIELD Opportunity!

How many times have we been told about some supposed green field of opportunities, and “The Sky is the Limit”. I often found these situations to be leaderless, the person mouthing those comments didn’t have a clue where we were going, and as they say, “if you don’t know where your’re going, any path will […]

Tell me the What, But Please Dont show me the How !

This is the largest hurdle for new managers aspiring to become leaders. Get aligned on strategy and business outcomes, is really not necessary for the boss & employee to agree on the precise path to get there!

Culture eats Strategy for Breakfast

Peter Drucker was quoted on this many years ago, and it is more true today than it was when he first penned it. You have to create culture before you can actually organize work teams for meaningful and sustaining results. Said another way, Strategy defines the route to success. But culture is what motivates your […]

Be a Role Model !

Integrity is defined by what you do when nobody is watching. But since we don’t always know who or when they are watching, always lead with character. If you win an award, then immediately give credit to your TEAM and figure out a way to nominate others for that award next time – never accept […]

When in Rome….

…Do as the Romans! In the modern era, this means to respect the local culture. This is a pic of me celebrating Diwali in India. Build Trust by embracing and participating in local culture and make it part or your persona. When you accept a gift, give one in return, and then place the gift […]

Dedicate Yourself To Be Your Very Best!

“Boss, I did the best of my ability!” is always a coaching opportunity. Raise the Bar, and Always get Better, are common lingo within continuous improvement cultures. Challenge yourself and your team to just BE BETTER !